This study of admissions walk-through results highlights a series of problems that can hamper efforts to engage individuals in substance abuse treatment, and also suggests strategies for solving those problems.
Read the full text (PDF)
In the STAR-SI project, SSAs work in partnership with providers in their states to test process improvement methods that help providers get more people into treatment and keep them there longer. Nine state-provider partnerships in Florida, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Wisconsin received funding to implement process improvement strategies targeting fiscal, regulatory, and policy changes.
Click here for an update on how efforts are proceeding in two states (PDF)
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation has announced the Call for Proposals for the second round of Advancing Recovery. Starting in February, 2008, up to six state-provider partnerships will be awarded grants to develop and implement administrative and clinical system improvements at provider and state levels.
Please see the attached postcard (in PDF format) for more information