NIATx scientists Bret R. Shaw, Ph.D, and Andrew Isham examine the potential of biomonitoring technology to prevent relapse. Read the full article, which appears in the May/June 2007 issue of Addiction Professional: Wearing Recovery on One's Sleeve
Substance abuse treatment program staff in Los Angeles County are continually faced with issues of client engagement and retention. Approximately 25% of assessment appointments result in no-shows. In many programs, 25% to 50% of clients drop out of treatment within the first 30 days. In 2005-2006, the Pacific Southwest Addiction Technology Transfer Center, together with the County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health, Alcohol & Drug Program Administration, the Network for the Improvement of Addiction Treatment (NIATx) National Program Office, and the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, sponsored an 11-month demonstration project with six County-funded treatment agencies (in a total of six outpatient programs and one residential program) to determine if the process improvement (PI) model described in NIATx could improve treatment retention and completion rates in LA County.
Review the project and its results (PDF)
State Associations of Addiction Services honored the Network for the Improvement of Addiction Treatment as a national leader in the treatment of addictions. In an award presented in Chicago on July 10, at the SAAS National Conference, SAAS commended NIATx for exciting the field with its pioneering process improvement approach to organizational change, "resulting in substantial improvements in patient outcomes and the overall success of treatment agencies nationwide."