1 February 2005 |
Adapting to Change |
2, Issue 1 |

This Issue |
A Change in Philosophy to Meet Changing Needs
This case study describes systemic changes made at the Acadia Hospital to increase utilization at their Extended Shelter Program, while simultaneously decreasing the annual deficit of that program. Changes include incorporating shelter intake/assessment into the hospital's centralized admissions system; more systematic treatment planning for shelter admits; improving shelter staff's understanding of reisdent needs and current addiction treatment approaches; and improvements in other admisssions, discharge, and internal communications practices.
Acadia has seen a shift in the types of addictions prominent in its community, including increased opioid addiction. In response, the hospital's philosophy and approach to addiction treatment has evolved to meet the changing needs of its patients. [READ

Presentations |
- Apr. 17-20, 2005
ASAP (Alcoholism & Substance Abuse Providers of New York State) 8th Annual Conference
Rochester, NY
The PDSA Cycle |
Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Cycles turn change ideas into action. Simple in structure and natural in execution, it represents the natural flow of information-gathering, decision-making, action and assessment involved in a wide range of actions, especially in environments that constantly change. [READ MORE] |
WRA: A Day in the Life |
Women's Recovery Association (WRA) change leader Susie Finch learned that perhaps her staff was making assumptions about what treatment would be like for new clients. In fact, she was approached by a client completing treatment who requested to share her personal description of what clients could expect. The result: a "Day in the Life of an IOP Client" handout – written in the voice of, and from the viewpoint of, a woman who had directly experienced it.
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