E-News Update
January 2006

In This Issue

Kentucky River Community Care

Louise Howell, PhD, has served as director of Kentucky River Community Care (KRCC) for nearly two decades. KRCC includes 40 sites in 8 rural counties in the Appalachian Region of southeastern Kentucky. In each of the counties comprising its service region, KRCC operates an eight-bed adult and a two-bed youth residential detoxification program, an intensive outpatient program for women, and an outpatient clinic, among other programs. The population served at KRCC has an average age range of 25–35 years and is predominantly male. The most common addictions for which people seek treatment include nicotine, alcohol, marijuana, and opioids.

Becoming a member of NIATx has been a system-changing experience, says Dr. Howell, now the Executive Sponsor for KRCC's change projects. "Decision-making and problem-solving have been delegated to the change teams," she explains. "They have become a forum for problem solving." Dr. Howell adds that the NIATx model has changed the way KRCC staff view their jobs. "By going through this experience, staff have learned a lot about their programs, and how to think strategically to improve them. It's influenced their interactions with other staff and with the clients we serve." [READ MORE]

NIATx Presentations

  • February 3
    Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT) National Advisory Council Meeting
    Rockville, VA.
    For additional information, contact Beth Hribar at

  • February 22 - 23
    Resources for Recovery: State Practices that Expand Treatment Opportunities Moving from Knowledge to Practice: Effective Strategies for Purchasing and Implementing AOD Services.
    Phoenix, AZ

    For more information, contact Todd Molfenter at

  Creativity and Design

Most of us in the working world have heard the term "think outside of the box" many times, because we are asked—implicitly or explicitly—to apply this principle in our work all the time. We are often asked to think creatively during brainstorming meetings, but most of us find it difficult to come up with innovative ideas on the spot. So how do we teach ourselves to think creatively? How do we know if our solutions are well designed? [READ MORE]

  Aftercare at Jackie Nitschke Center

The Jackie Nitschke Center (JNC) of Green Bay, Wisconsin instituted new requirements for participating in their Aftercare program and also initiated the use of cognitive mapping to achieve a significant increase in the percentage of clients staying through the first five sessions (from 38% to 83%) and also completing all sixteen Aftercare sessions (from 46% to 65%). [READ MORE]

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