Asian Counseling and Referral Service is a social service agency that provides an array of human services, including mental health and substance abuse treatment programs. The management teams for both these programs recognized that many clients receiving mental health treatment also needed substance abuse services. They estimated that at least 25 percent of mental health clients may be dual-diagnosis clients.
For the period January to December 2005, ACRS tested and implemented several change cycles, with the objective of raising the number of admissions from its clients in mental health treatment into its substance abuse program. These changes led to a 260 percent increase in admissions, and also contributed additional revenue to ACRS. Revenue from the substance abuse program rose from $4,200 in 2004 to $15,120 in 2005.
ACRS staff also learned valuable lessons in the process, including the need to collaborate with staff who are directly involved in key activities, the importance of management support, as well as the value of recognizing staffmembers who have done extra work. [READ MORE] |