NIATx Website Survey
The most important principle in the NIATx model of process improvement is to "Understand and involve the customer." To that end we're asking for your help in assessing the NIATx website. Please take a few minutes to complete the NIATx website survey and help us make improvements to better serve you. Take the survey
Registration now open for the next NIATx Change Leader Academy
Change Leader Academy participants develop knowledge and skills to apply NIATx process improvement in their agencies and earn certification as a NIATx Change Leader. Join us at the next Open Enrollment Change Leader Academy in Madison, March 23-24, 2009. Click here for more information.
RWJF Year in Research 2008: Vote for the Most Influential Research Papers
"Replication and Sustainability of Improved Access and Retention within the Network for the Improvement of Addiction Treatment" by Drs. Kim Hoffman, Jay Ford, Dave Gustafson, and Denis McCarty has been nominated as one of the most influential research papers of 2008. Click here to read the article and place your vote
for this study proving the effectiveness of the NIATx model.
Proposition 36 report identifies promising practices in treatment of offenders
NIATx process improvement is having an impact in alternative to incarceration programs.
Story reprinted with permission of John Wiley and Sons.
Read the full article |
The Business Case for process improvement
Read how one STAR-SI provider, Catalyst Behavioral Services in Oklahoma City, embraced change to improve
its services..
Read the full article |
Call for Presentations!
Speaker Presentations now accepted for the NIATx Summit/SAAS National Conference in July 2009. All potential presenters are invited to use online submission. Utilize the conference theme “Engage. Exchange. Energize.” to customize your presentation for optimum results.
Click here for more information
NIATx Year in Review
In 2008, the NIATx community grew to include all 50 states as part of our mission to improve care delivery.
Read the full article