2010 NIATx Summit Spotlight Session Update
Join your peers in Cincinnati and catch our all new Spotlight Sessions which focus on today's technology and innovation for behavioral health organizations.
See all speakers, workshops, and register at www.saasniatx.net. |
ACTION II Campaign Story Contest Winners
The Share Your Story Contest for the ACTION II Campaign has recently come to an end and the winners are in! Each of the five winners will receive an all expenses paid trip to the NIATx SAAS National Summit in Cincinnati, OH on July 11-14th.
View the winners. |
ACTION Campaign II Promising Practice Story
The Adanta Group is a community mental health center located in south-central Kentucky. They recently conducted a change project to reduce overtime in their Human Development Services (HDS) Residential Homes.
Read the full story. |
Consider staff learning styles when implementing an EMR
Pam Mattel LCSW, CASAC, Chief Operating Officer for Promesa Systems/Basics Inc. has been in the health care field for 27 years. In her executive role, Pam gave careful consideration to a range of factors associated with implementing an EMR: cost of hardware and software, workflow support, ability to customize the software, staff readiness, and the time and effort required for full implementation
Read the full story. |
Getting Ready for 2014: Integrate with Medicine and get a Mix of Payers
In three years, health reform will be fully operational, and many providers are working on adapting to the new law.
Read the full article. |