NIATx-SI Selects Participants for Business Practices for the Future Learning Collaborative
The NIATx-SI Business Practices for the Future Learning Collaborative is ready to launch with a kick-off meeting in October.
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NIATx Success Story: Aging and Disability Resource Center
The Aging and Disability Resource Center of Portage County provides services for seniors, adults with disabilities and their families and caregivers in Portage County, Wisconsin.
Read their story. |
NIATx 200 Success Story: The Dimock Center - Behavioral Health Services
Behavioral Health Services (BHS) offers over 14 programs, including Outreach, Adult Inpatient Detox and extensive Outpatient services for children, adolescents, and adults in addiction and mental health services.
Read their story. |
ACTION Campaign II - Promising Practice Story
ACT, a nonprofit community mental health agency in Tulsa, OK, provides mental health and substance abuse services to 5,000 low income and indigent adults and children annually in Tulsa and surrounding communities.
Read their story. |
NIATx Opioid Treatment Program to present at this year's AATOD National Conference
Participants in the NIATx Opioid Treatment Program will be holding their closeout session
at this year's AATOD National Conference held October 23-27 in Chicago.
Read the full story. |