November 2010
Help us improve the NIATx Third-party Billing Guide
Help us improve the NIATx Third-party Billing Guide by taking this quick two-question survey by Friday, November 12. We value your feedback!
Take the survey. |
Integration of Substance Abuse and Primary Care in FQHCs Learning Collaborative
The National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC) and NIATx are partnering on a learning collaborative to give community health centers and their substance abuse treatment organization partners the tools and technical assistance they need to integrate substance abuse treatment services into their operations.
NIATx-SI Business Practices for the Future: Fee-for-Service Launch
Nearly 30 leaders from state and county governments or provider associations, representing 15 states, met in Madison on October 20 and 21 for the NIATx-SI Business Practices for the Future: Fee-for-Service launch.
No one should have to suffer twice
Janet Bardossi, NIATx coach, Non-profit consultant and former Deputy Director of CODA, Inc. in Portland, OR shares a story on how reducing waiting time changed a life and transformed an organization.
Watch the video. |
Upcoming Events & Presentations
November 9, 2010 |
ACTION Campaign II Webinar - Health Care Reform: Has It Changed The Way We Practice?
November 18, 2010 |
ACTION Campaign II Webinar - EAP SBIRT: Reaching out to EAPs for referrals
July 10–13,
2011 |
SAVE-THE-DATE.... 2011 NIATx Summit and SAAS Conference
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