Tell us your ACTION Campaign Story...and Win!
The ACTION Campaign has ended--but you can
still help us celebrate everything you've done to make it a success! Find out how you could automatically be entered into a contest to win one of three Target gift cards.
Read the story. |
Interested in research and evidence-based practices?
NIATx has launched an initiative to help substance abuse treatment providers gain research skills and knowledge and adopt evidence-based practices. Please help us by completing a survey to identify needs and interests of agencies in the field.
Read the story. |
The Counseling Center, Inc. - Success Story
The Counseling Center of Portsmouth, Ohio participated in the NIATx-SI Business Practices for the Future Fee-for-Service Learning Collaborative, Cohort I. Read how this agency increased its reimbursements from private insurance payers.
Read this success story. |
Summit 2011 Storyboard Competition Winner AIMS to Please - Success Story
Patti Webb of the Center for Chemical Addictions Treatment in Cincinnati attended her first NIATx Summit/SAAS National Conference in 2010. One year later, she returned to submit a winning entry in the Storyboard Competition.
Read this success story. |
NIATx Summit and SAAS National Conference 2011 Storyboard Winners
Nearly 20 organizations submitted storyboards to the Second Annual
NIATx Storyboard Competition at the 2011 NIATx Summit/SAAS National Conference. Congratulations to the six winners!
See all the winners. |
Learn the NIATx process improvement model!
The Change Leader Academy (CLA) is designed for dedicated individuals with little experience in leading change. Whether you are a beginner or have some experience in process improvement, the CLA will equip you to lead change projects and teams within your organization.
Find out more. |
iAWARD Winner Looks Forward to the Summit All Year
Haynes, Assistant Director of New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation (HHC) received a 2011 NIATx/SAAS iAWARD for the winning submission from his organization.
Read the story. |
NIATx Research Publications 2011
Dissemination is a critical facet of implementing quality improvement in organizations. As a field, addiction treatment has produced effective interventions but disseminated them slowly and reached only a fraction of people needing treatment.
Read the story. |