New! Promising Practices to Increase Reimbursement
In the first round of NIATx-SI: Business Practices for the Future, Fee-for-Service, treatment providers from around the country worked on one of three aims: to create a billing system, improve an existing billing system, or increase contracts with third-party payers. Check out the new Promising Practices that share lessons they learned over the course of the one-year project.
View the Promising Practices. |
NIATx Success Story - Spectrum Health Systems, Inc.
At the Lincoln Street Opioid Treatment Program, clients completing the Inpatient Program (detox) were not continuing services to the Outpatient Program. The change team set a goal to increase referrals from Inpatient to Outpatient by 65%.
Read Spectrum's Story. |
Please tell us about the SPREAD and DIFFUSION of NIATx
CSAT, through a contract with JBS International, Inc., is looking for information to assess the spread and diffusion of NIATx beyond formally sponsored and funded NIATx projects.
Read the full story. |
Subscribe to the NIATx Blog: Insight and Inspiration from the NIATx team
NIATx joins the blogosphere with the new NIATx blog—latest resource we're offering to help you implement and sustain change in your organization. The NIATx blog brings you tips and information from our team of process improvement experts. Don't just visit the blog—take part! The discussion will be as lively as you make it. We look forward to hearing from you!
Click here to the visit the NIATx blog and subscribe by RSS feed or email alerts. |
New NIATx Project Builds on Advancing Recovery
In a new NIATx project, the Medication Research Partnership, 12 addiction treatment centers in Pennsylvania and Aetna Behavioral Health will use the Advancing Recovery systems change model to increase the number of patients receiving medication-assisted treatment for alcohol or opioid dependence.
Read the full story. |
NIATx at the Addiction Health Services Research Conference
NIATx staff presented on October 4 at the Addiction Health Services Research Conference 2011: Service Integration: From Client to Organization to Funding Agencies held at George Mason University in Fairfax, VA.
Read the full story. |
Latest NIATx Publications
NIATx researchers share their study results in several recently-published articles.
See more information. |