June 2012
Business Model Re-think Tank: 2012 SAAS Annual Conference and NIATx Summit
We live in an exciting time for substance abuse and mental health treatment services. The changes underway offer great opportunities, but organizations need to rethink all aspects of how they do business to thrive in a rapidly changing environment.
>Read the full story. |
Getting ready for healthcare reform
Wondering what to do first to get ready for healthcare reform? Take the NIATx
Health Reform Readiness Index.
>Read the full story. |
Executive Q&A: Else Pederson, Bridge House/Grace House, New Orleans
Else Pederson, Chief Executive Officer, shares insights on Bridge House's focus
on "locals helping locals" has helped it develop a unique business model.
>Read the full story. |
Advancing Recovery: Implementing Evidence-Based Treatment for Substance Use
Disorders at the Systems Level
Providers and policymakers working together can promote adoption of evidence-based
practices like medication-assisted treatment and continuing care. .
>Read the full article,
published in the /Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs,/ May 2012. |
Upcoming Events & Presentations
June 19–22, 2012 |
2012 SAAS Conference and NIATx Summit
July 10, 2012 |
Marketing your Mission with Social Media: Free four-part webinar series
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