August 2012
New NIATx project: Implementing buprenorphine in Ohio
Opioid addiction has become a public health crisis in Ohio, where deaths due to accidental opioid overdoses have increased by 304 percent in the last decade. NIATx has recieved a five-year grant from NIDA to study the impact of payer and provider strategies on implementing buprenorphine in Ohio.
>Read the full story. |
The Adanta Group: How to sustain your organization with uncertain funding
The Adanta Group in Kentucky used the NIATx approach to examine its processes and meet increased expenses. The result: improved services and extra revenue for salary increases.
>Read the full story. |
NIATx Regional Change Leader Academies: New this fall!
We're offering our popular Change Leader Academy in three locations
to make it easier for you to learn how to lead change and earn certification as a NIATx change leader.
>Read the full story. |
NIATx Success Story: River Region Human Services, Inc.
Addicted offenders with co-occurring disorders face a variety of challenges once they're released from jail. The Matrix House Program offered by River Region Human Services in Jacksonville, Florida, used rapid-cycle change to help these clients continue in aftercare.
>Read the full story. |
Upcoming Events & Presentations
September 26-27, 2012 |
Change Leader Academy
October 1-2, 2012 |
Change Leader Academy
October 4-5, 2012 |
Change Leader Academy
October 17-18, 2012 |
Open Minds Technology and Informatics Institute
July 14-17, 2013 |
NIATx Summit/SAAS National Conference
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