Medication-assisted treatment: An update
What is the current status of adoption of MAT within US treatment organizations?
Mike Boyle, Senior Innovation Officer for NIATx and former CEO of Fayette Companies in Peoria, IL, shares findings from recent studies.
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The Journey to Excellence with NIATx: First Step Home
First Step Home is a treatment program for women in recovery and their
children in Cincinnati. NIATx change projects over the last few years have resulted in dramatic improvements in show rates, continuation, and retention.
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Integrating behavioral health and primary care services
A new white paper from the ATTC highlights the NIATx model in integrating
substance use treatment and other health care.
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NIATx for change across a system
NIATx has been used as a systems change model to promote changes at the regulatory, payer, and network levels.
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Read the latest post: The dilemma of alcohol use among the elderly: Then what?