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About > What is NIATx

What is NIATx?

NIATx is a simple and easy to use model of process improvement.

At NIATx our goal is to keep process improvement simple. In fact, we've been known to explain our entire process over lunch. Here's how it works.

How we do it

Designed specifically for behavioral health care, the NIATx model allows payers and providers to make small changes that have a big impact on outcomes.

As a learning collaborative within the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Center for Health Enhancement Systems Studies (CHESS), we provide research, promising practices and innovative tools that encourage and support the use of the NIATx Model of process improvement.

Who we serve

We serve people facing the challenge of addiction and mental health by making improvements to the cost and effectiveness of the care delivery system.

Between patients and caring help lies a canyon of paperwork and burdensome processes.

NIATx helps payers and behavioral health care providers remove those barriers to treatment and recovery.

Where we're headed

We're working to prepare the field for changes that will be required by influences such as parity, health care reform and technological advances.

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