NIATx in Correctional Settings: Improving the HIV Service Continuum

Submitted by: 11/11/2015 by Maureen Fitzgerald

In the HIV Services and Treatment Implementation in Corrections (HIV-STIC) study, funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), nine correctional facilities received training in HIV services and coaching in a modified NIATx model, and the other received only HIV training. The results showed that the modified NIATx model improved HIV services in correctional settings.  Read more about the project in the article by Frank S. Pearson PhD., Efficacy of a Process Improvement Intervention on Delivery of HIV Services to Offenders: A Multisite Trial, published in the American Journal of Public Health.

Another article recently published in the Journal of Correctional  Health Care by Holly Swan, PhD, describes an a project conducted in Delaware as part of the HIV-STIC study. The NIATx change team made improvements in HIV linkage to care, education, and testing. Read the complete article: Improvements in Correctional HIV Services: A Case Study in Delaware

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