We’ve been working on a new resource for the NIATx website:
The NIATx Buprenorphine Implementation Toolkit Research and Information Library
This searchable database is designed to make it easy for you to find the latest news and research on buprenorphine. We’ve focused on news and research that addresses some of the main barriers that treatment organizations face when trying to implement a buprenorphine treatment program:
Our goal with the database is to create a tool that brings you up-to-date and reliable information on buprenorphine treatment.
Now, we’re applying NIATx principle 1: Understand and involve the customer
But we want to make sure that this database is easy to use. Will you test it for us, and then complete a brief survey, using the link below?
User Survey: NIATx Buprenorphine Research and Information Library
Your anonymous responses will help us improve the database.
Thank you for your help!