The NIATx-SI Business Practices for the Future Learning Collaborative is ready to launch with a kick-off meeting in October. The six conveners selected include:
California: San Mateo County Behavioral Health and Recovery Services
Iowa: Iowa Behavioral Health Association/Iowa Department of Public Health
Maryland: Baltimore Substance Abuse Systems
Montana: Chemical Dependency Bureau of Montana
Ohio: Ohio Council of Behavioral Health and Family Services Providers
Wisconsin: Milwaukee County Behavioral Health Division
Each convener is a state addiction authority, provider association, county, city, or health system that has recruited a number of treatment providers to implement and/or improve third-party billing practices.
The California group will focus on designing and implementing a billing system, while Iowa will target improving contracts with payers. The other groups—Maryland, Montana, Ohio, and Wisconsin—will work on improving collections from third-party payers.
Over the course of the 10-month collaborative, participants will receive technical assistance that includes monthly training calls, and guidance from a NIATx process improvement coach.
Curriculum for the collaborative will include The NIATx Third-Party Billing Guidealong with other materials developed by content experts and NIATx coaches.
Jeanne Pulvermacher serves as Project Manager for the Business Practices for the Future Learning Collaborative. “We were impressed with the number of applications we received and look forward to working with the conveners and the providers they’ve recruited.”
Participants will have the opportunity to share what they’ve learned in the collaborative at the NIATx Summit/SAAS National Conference in July 2011.