NIATx Research Publications 2011

Submitted by: 08/04/2011 by NIATx NPO

Visit the Publications page on the NIATx website to view the complete list of articles published in peer-reviewed journals in 2011. The following article is freely accessible online: The following article is freely accessible online:

Disseminating quality improvement: study protocol for a large cluster-randomized trial

Dissemination is a critical facet of implementing quality improvement in organizations. As a field, addiction treatment has produced effective interventions but disseminated them slowly and reached only a fraction of people needing treatment. This study investigates four methods of disseminating quality improvement (QI) to addiction treatment programs in the U.S. It is, to our knowledge, the largest study of organizational change ever conducted in healthcare. The trial seeks to determine the most cost-effective method of disseminating quality improvement in addiction treatment.

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