CSAT, through a contract with JBS International, Inc., is looking for information to assess the spread and diffusion of NIATx beyond formally sponsored and funded NIATx projects.
Please send info about any such projects that you know about, to elizabeth@blarg.net —if possible, by Tuesday, Oct. 18, 2011.
Please include any projects that are not funded by SAMHSA.
Include: (1) projects that spread NIATx beyond the original participants of a NIATx initiative, including within a region, state, county, city, and provider agency, as well as (2) projects that demonstrate the application of NIATx beyond substance abuse treatment and/or beyond the original four aims, for example, mental health, gambling, child protective services, prevention, workforce development.
The attached spreadsheet provides a few examples.
Please add to the attached document or summarize the project in whatever format is easiest for you and send to elizabeth@blarg.net or call Elizabeth Strauss at 425.558.1026.
Please attach any documents that help describe the project or results.
Thanks for your help in capturing the wide spread, diffusion, and impact of CSAT funding.