The eight grantees in the first phase of the collaborative (January-June 2009) recognized that women in treatment benefit from relationship-based programs. Using NIATx process improvement methods and supported by NIATx coaches, they engaged the family members who can support pregnant and parenting women in treatment and beyond. All eight agencies were successful in increasing family engagement over the course of the project. The strategies they used helped to develop a model for increasing family contact. For more information see Increasing Family Engagement, the SAMHSA/CSAT PPW Grantee Program 2006.
An additional 16 agencies participated in Phase II of the NIATx PPW Learning Collaborative (June 2009-June 2011). This collaborative featured monthly coaching support calls to all sites in addition to a monthly group call. Ten of the agencies also received additional assistance through coach site visits. Fifteen of the agencies shared their change project results at a capstone meeting in June 2011. The changes that agencies in both phases of the collaborative have emerged as a series of promising practices to increase family engagement.