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Resource Center > System-Level Toolkit > System-Level Change Projects > Training Needs for a System-Level Change Team

Training Needs for System-Level Change Teams

In addition to the training necessary for providers, state-level Change Teams have their own unique training needs

Process Improvement Tools

State Change Teams need to know how the NIATx process improvement tools apply to them. They may need additional training on using the walk-through as a tool for understanding the provider as a customer. They may also need to make greater use of the flowcharting tools than providers as they are more often making changes to processes that involve the flow of information rather than people.

Role in the Payer/Provider Partnership

State Change Teams need to develop an understanding of the payer/provider partnership. Understanding their role in the partnership changes the role of the Change Team from one of enforcing regulation to one of partnership for improvement. They may need to manage both roles at the same time and will need support and training for how to continue to regulate and hold providers accountable while working in partnership to improve the system.

Rapid-cycle Changes

The timeline for rapid-cycle change at the system level often different from rapid-cycle changes at the provider level. While some changes can be made in less than a month, most changes take longer at the system level. Rapid-cycle testing and PDSA cycles can be complicated by regulation and what authority a system-level Change Leader or Executive Sponsor has to waive or modify rules prior to implementing the rule making process.


Using STAR-SI resources, Illinois brought a Change Leader Academy to the state for state leaders. The NIATx model of process improvement was new to the state; the CLA would provide training and skill development and to secure buy-in from all staff. Read the full story Add to portal for more information.

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